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(Where? - Video Conference and Forum)
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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
= Digital Blue Engineering Course - Open for Every Student from Anywhere in the World - Summer Semester 2021 - Mondays - 14.00 > 16.00 - Starting on 12 April 2021 =
= Blue Science =
==Open for Every Student from Anywhere in the World - Blue Science – a transdisciplinary course discussing social and ecological responsbilities - Thursday - 12.00 > 16.00 CEST - Starting on 18 April 2024 ==
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[[Datei:TU Logo lang RGB rot.png|250px|mini|rechts]]
=== Contact ===
===What is the concept of the Blue Engineering course? - Interactive course on the social and ecological responsibility of engineers===
Blue Science is an online course designed to reflect our personal and disciplinary approaches to science and transformation - what are our tools - by choice and by habit - for finding meaningful knowledge about the world? What do different approaches look like? And could they be combined for the better?
Blue Engineering is an international and innovative seminar-style course provided by Technische Universität Berlin - a leading university of technology in Germany. It focuses on ecological and social responsibility. The course facilitates creative, interdisciplinary and sometimes heated debates on the issues posed by technology in society and in nature. The course creates an inclusive and open learning environment which offers a refreshing alternative to teacher-centered instruction. In times of digital university it enables the students to network beyond their university and even beyond national borders while exchanging ideas and getting ready to act. The course concept is already implemented at ten universities in Germany and reaches every semester over 250 students.
===What is it about? - Sustainability and Technology===
Blue Science  is a seminar-style course where frontal teaching hardly ever occurs. Through highly interactive didactic methods, students engage in dialogue with each other. Once a week, all students take part in the video conference and prepare assignments via a digital learning platform. In the second half of the semester, students work in small groups to develop a research design for a transdisciplinary project.
As the course focuses on sustainability, topics such as technology assessment, engineers' responsibilities, neutrality of technology, plastics, gender/diversity and self-chosen topics of the participants' teaching units will be covered. It features one core reading namely The Productivity Worldview which helps to frame the course.
=== Which learning outcomes? The students... ===
What to expect:
* analyze and evaluate the present reciprocal relations of technology, individuals, nature, society and democracy by taking different perspectives. Based on this analysis and evaluation, they are able to state their personal perspective and values of the reciprocal relations and act accordingly.
Weekly synchronous online course meetings using Zoom online video software (Thursdays, 10am - 2pm Berlin Summer Time / GMT+2, 12 meetings in total).
* cooperate with others to analyze and evaluate in a democratic process the present reciprocal relations of technology, individuals, nature, society and democracy. Based on their analysis and evaluation, they are able to work out a collective understanding with regard to their collective values and democratise the reciprocal relations.
- Highly interactive course design with almost no lecture-style teaching - you will be interacting with other participants most of the time. Be prepared to speak in English and activate your camera.
* acquire 12 key competences of an Education for Sustainable Development: 1) perspective-taking; 2) anticipation; 3) gaining interdisciplinary knowledge; 4) deal with incomplete and overcomplex informations; 5) cooperation; 6) cope with dilemmas of individual decision-making; 7) participation; 8) motivation; 9) reflect principles; 10) act morally; 11) act independently; 12) support of others
- Reading assignments between sessions
* design their co-conduct their own course and contribute to the further development of the entire Blue Engineering Course.
- Several small individual writing assignments throughout the semester
- One or two larger group assignments
===Who can attend? - Everyone, from any university/college===
6 ECTS graded course for TU Berlin students
The course was originally developed for future engineers wanting to think outside the box. However, students of any background are encouraged to enroll as a diverse student body adds new dimensions to the discussion. If you are interested in the intersection of technology, society and ecological responsibility you are welcome to join the course. Profound technical knowledge is not required. As we will try to overcome any language barriers, a high level of English is not mandatory.
===How is it taught? - Student-driven course design where students co-create their learning===
The idea behind Blue Engineering is to enable students to shape their own learning process at university. Therefore student tutors facilitate and guide the weekly sessions, and the participants themselves involve by developing their own teaching units as a semester project.
===When? - Mondays - 14.00 > 16.00 - Starting 12 Apr 2021 ===
If you are interested, please send an email to Anton Schaefer (he/his) a.schaefer@tu-berlin.de.
The course starts on Monday 12th of April 2021. From then on a weekly video conference will take place on Mondays at 14.00 CET. The whole course is online only. The last session will be on the 12th of July 2021.
===Where? - Video Conference and Forum===
== Blue Science - Course Description ==
The weekly sessions consist of a preparation via a learning platform, a 120 minute interactive video conference to facilitate a discussion based course and a follow up exercise.
=== Learning Outcomes ===
* The video conference is based on Zoom provided by TU Berlin
* We are going to use a forum for our activities
* <code>We will provide the link for the Zoom Conference one day before the start of the course</code>
===How is the course graded? - 6 ECTS - Certificate of Performance===
Knowledge of:
The course is credited with 6 ECTS points. The summative (graded) coursework consists of two parts: a personal learning journal (50%) and the semester project, which is to develop, perform and document a teaching unit (building block) in a team (50%). Upon successful completion a certificate of performance is issued which may count towards one’s own studies.
* social and ecological crises
* internationally agreed sustainability goals and their metrics
* approaches to the socio-ecological transformation of society
* discourses on transformative science
* concepts of inter- and transdisciplinarity
* toolboxes for transdisciplinary research
=== I am a student at TU Berlin. What is there to know? - Elective Course - maybe Compulsory Elective
The course is a compulsory elective in over 10 study programs at TU Berlin - see your module catalogue for this. In case you want to take the course as an elective, you have to register with the examination office with a Gelber Zettel/special form which we will provide once the course has started. In some cases, students were successful in getting the course credited as a compulsory elective (Wahlpflichtfach) in their respective study program. You have to discuss this with your examination board (Prüfungsausschuss / Prüfungsobfrau/-mann).
* in leading discussions in groups
* in working together in small, interdisciplinary and international groups
* in choosing good research questions
* in communicating possible research projects
=== I am a student at another university. What is there to know? - Registration within the course. ===
Welcome! We are happy that you want to partake in the course at TU Berlin. The course is offered free of costs to students enrolled at other universities. You will have to register within the course and upon successful completion of the course we will issue a certificate of performance. There are many reports that other universities will credit the course within your own study program. For this, you must clarify the details with your university.
* to reflect on personal perspectives on social and environmental responsibility
* to reflect on specific perspectives and methods of one's own discipline
=== I am not a student. What is there to know? - Welcome! Whether you are in school, work or retirement. ===
* to collectively reflect on the heterogeneity of perceptions and knowledge related to social and ecological crises
Welcome! We are happy to accept people that are not enrolled in a university - be it that they are still in school, are working or are retired. There are no special requirements or knowledge needed to attend the course. Please, contact us beforehand for details - english@blue-engineering.org
* to reflect the roles science could, should and does play in processes of transformation
* to identify possible contributions of the individual sciences to the development and achievement of global sustainability goals
=== How do I sign up? - Just be there in the first lesson.===
* to collaboratively design transdisciplinary research projects
The course is offered by Technische Universität Berlin and it is free of costs. To participate in the course you must attend the first meeting. After the second meeting registration is closed and no newcomers will be accepted. The link for the video conference and the learning platform will be provided on this website one day before the course starts.
* to cooperate with others for a just, social and ecological transition
* to cope with the dilemma arising from the ideals of transformative science and the strive for scientific neutrality
=== What is the structure of one session? ===
* to cope with the decision-making dilemma arising from personal, disciplinary and societal responsibility
The weekly sessions consist of a preparation, a 120 minute interactive video conference and a follow up. In order to be ready to analyse and discuss during the video conference, students are asked to familiarize themselves with the building block’s topic beforehand. Preparation takes place via a learning platform. Methods and tasks vary with each building block. The video conference takes place via Zoom. Instead of teacher-centered instruction the students analyse, discuss and work in teams most of the time. As a follow-up students reflect upon the topic of the past session in their personal learning journals and might be assigned some further tasks via the learning platform.
=== What is the structure of the entire course? ===
The Blue Engineering course consists essentially of three phases:
* In the first phase, tutors facilitate vive fundamental building blocks. That way participants get to know the general character and didactic approach of the teaching units.
* In the second phase, the participants organise themselves in small groups and conduct an exemplary building block which has been developed and documented by a student group from the previous semesters
* In the third phase, the participants organise themselves in small groups and develop, perform and document an own building block on a topic of their choice. They will facilitate it for their fellow students and receive peer-to-peer feedback.
=== What is the semester schedule? ===
'''[[Baukasten:EN:Digital-Starter-Kit|The semester schedule corresponds to is the Digital Starter-Kit in English]]'''
'''Session 1 - Introductory Session'''
*Introductory Blue Engineering Session
*100 Points - Demand on Technology Design - shortened version
'''Session 2 - Plastics'''
*Bisphenol A and Plastics – Should they be banned or allowed?
'''Session 3 - Technology Assessment/Finding groups and pitching topics'''
*Technology Assessment - shortened version
'''Session 4 - The Productivity Worldview'''
*The Productivity Worldview by Otto Ullrich
'''Session 5 - Responsibility and Codes'''
*Responsibility and Codes
*first submission of learning journal (not graded)
'''Session 6, 7 and 8 - Conduction of an Existing Building Block'''
*students conduct a building blocks which was designed by students in one of the previous semesters
'''Session 9 - one additional building block facilitated by the tutors'''
'''Session 10, 11 and 12 - Semester Projects'''
*students present their own building blocks
'''Session 13 - Last Session - Opportunities to Network'''
= [[Baukasten:EN:Digital-Starter-Kit|Digital Starter Kit in English - Released]] =
===What is the goal of the Blue Engineering Seminar?===
The interdisciplinary Blue Engineering Seminar offers a view beyond one’s own horizon and an (inter-)active examination of one’s social and ecological responsibility. In this way, students add to their specialized knowledge an orientation knowledge and acquire competencies that help them to know their role in relation to technology and society and to shape it together with others.
===How is the seminar structured and conducted? ===
Interesting, creative, interdisciplinary, sometimes heated but always in a good working atmosphere. Even in the digital format, Blue Engineering does not offer frontal teaching, but a methodically and thematically diverse seminar, which is largely co-designed by the participants.
=== What are building blocks? ===
Building blocks are the core element of the student-driven Blue Engineering seminar. These units, which are well documented in terms of content and didactics, shift both the learning as well as the teaching process within a seminar to the participants - to the greatest extent possible! In this sense, the one’s conducting the seminar do not have to be experts, but they act as facilitators who guide the complex teaching/learning process of the participants
=== How is the Blue Engineering Seminar structured?===
The Blue Engineering Seminar consists of three main phases:
#Tutors conduct six fixed basic building blocks in order to convey to the participants the way of working as well as the general content and didactic claim of the seminar.
#Participants carry out existing modules in small groups for their fellow students and thus learn how to design a demanding teaching/learning unit.
#The small groups develop their own module over the entire semester, which they then implement for their fellow students and comprehensively document for further use. For quality assurance, they receive feedback from fellow students and tutors several times.
=== [[Baukasten:EN:Digital-Starter-Kit|Where can I find further information and the digital Starter-Kit?]] ===
'''[[Baukasten:EN:Digital-Starter-Kit|Here is the Digital Starter-Kit in English]]'''
=== Contents ===
# learning and values in interactive courses.
# social and environmental crises
# the scientific method – background and disciplinary differences
# classification systems for academic disciplines
# transformative science – idea and critique
# personal and disciplinary *lenses*
# multi-, inter- and transdisciplinarity
# diversity of perspectives in the course
# possible contributions of one's own discipline
# possible contributions of the other disciplines represented
# development of a transdisciplinary research question
= Blue Engineering in short =
= Blue Engineering in short =
The interdisciplinary Blue Engineering Course offers prospective engineers a look beyond their horizons and an (inter-)active approach to their social and ecological responsibility. This gives them the opportunity to become aware of their own values and reflect them with others. In addition, the teaching/learning process is essentially shifted to the students, so that they assume responsibility co-conducting own course and at the same time co-develop the whole course for the future semesters. All in all, the students complement their specialist knowledge from their regular study programs with orientation skills and competences that help them to know their role in terms of technology and society and to shape it together with others.
The interdisciplinary Blue Engineering Course offers prospective engineers a look beyond their horizons and an (inter-)active approach to their social and ecological responsibility. This gives them the opportunity to become aware of their own values and reflect them with others. In addition, the teaching/learning process is essentially shifted to the students, so that they assume responsibility co-conducting own course and at the same time co-develop the whole course for the future semesters. All in all, the students complement their specialist knowledge from their regular study programs with orientation skills and competences that help them to know their role in terms of technology and society and to shape it together with others.
== Building Blocks ==
== [[Baukasten:EN:Digital-Starter-Kit|Building Blocks - Online Starter Kit]] ==
To raise awareness of and to facilitate discussion on the different aspects of social and ecological responsibility, the Blue Engineering-Group developed the idea of teaching units. These units - named building-blocks - are typically designed for one lesson of 60 or 90 minutes and address a complex issue, e.g. whistle-blowing, ethical codes, technology as problem-solver, social businesses and cooperatives. Through the use of a wide variety of teaching methods the learning outcome depends more on the students as individuals and as a group than on the teachers. Consequently, the people responsible for the course don't function as experts who lecture but rather as moderators of group- and learning-processes. In fact, students may even be included in teaching by letting them prepare and conduct a building-block for the rest of the class. In addition, building-blocks may easily be used by a group of engineers working together in a company for their own continued education.
To raise awareness of and to facilitate discussion on the different aspects of social and ecological responsibility, the Blue Engineering-Group developed the idea of teaching units. These units - named building-blocks - are typically designed for one lesson of 60 or 90 minutes and address a complex issue, e.g. whistle-blowing, ethical codes, technology as problem-solver, social businesses and cooperatives. Through the use of a wide variety of teaching methods the learning outcome depends more on the students as individuals and as a group than on the teachers. Consequently, the people responsible for the course don't function as experts who lecture but rather as moderators of group- and learning-processes. In fact, students may even be included in teaching by letting them prepare and conduct a building-block for the rest of the class. In addition, building-blocks may easily be used by a group of engineers working together in a company for their own continued education.
Zeile 126: Zeile 78:
[[Baukasten:Startseite|There are now more than 140 such modules, which are regularly used in the Blue Engineering Seminar and outside. They will are freely accessible on the homepage since June 2017.]]
[[Baukasten:Startseite|There are now more than 140 such modules, which are regularly used in the Blue Engineering Seminar and outside. They will are freely accessible on the homepage since June 2017.]]
[[Baukasten:EN:Digital-Starter-Kit|Building Blocks - Online Starter Kit - English]]
== Structure of the Blue Engineering Seminar ==
== Structure of the Blue Engineering Seminar ==
Zeile 166: Zeile 118:
* [http://www.kuleuven.be/communicatie/congresbureau/oud2015/congres/sefi2013/eproceedings/131.pdf Baier A. and Pongratz S. (2013). “Collectively and Critically Reflecting on Technology and Society”. Proceedings of the 41st SEFI Annual Conference, 16-20 September 2013, Leuven, Belgium.]
* [http://www.kuleuven.be/communicatie/congresbureau/oud2015/congres/sefi2013/eproceedings/131.pdf Baier A. and Pongratz S. (2013). “Collectively and Critically Reflecting on Technology and Society”. Proceedings of the 41st SEFI Annual Conference, 16-20 September 2013, Leuven, Belgium.]
* [http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-09474-8_27 Pongratz S. and Baier A. (2015). "Encouraging Engineering Students to Question Technological Solutions for Complex Ecological and Social Problems." Integrating Sustainability Thinking in Science and Engineering Curricula. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 375-386.]
* [http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-09474-8_27 Pongratz S. and Baier A. (2015). "Encouraging Engineering Students to Question Technological Solutions for Complex Ecological and Social Problems." Integrating Sustainability Thinking in Science and Engineering Curricula. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 375-386.]
=== Gefördert vom / Sponsored by ===
[[Datei:Bmbf.png|250px|mini|links]] [[Datei:Daad.png|250px|mini]]

Aktuelle Version vom 8. April 2024, 17:45 Uhr

Blue Science

Open for Every Student from Anywhere in the World - Blue Science – a transdisciplinary course discussing social and ecological responsbilities - Thursday - 12.00 > 16.00 CEST - Starting on 18 April 2024

TU Logo lang RGB rot.png

Blue Science is an online course designed to reflect our personal and disciplinary approaches to science and transformation - what are our tools - by choice and by habit - for finding meaningful knowledge about the world? What do different approaches look like? And could they be combined for the better?

Blue Science is a seminar-style course where frontal teaching hardly ever occurs. Through highly interactive didactic methods, students engage in dialogue with each other. Once a week, all students take part in the video conference and prepare assignments via a digital learning platform. In the second half of the semester, students work in small groups to develop a research design for a transdisciplinary project.

What to expect: Weekly synchronous online course meetings using Zoom online video software (Thursdays, 10am - 2pm Berlin Summer Time / GMT+2, 12 meetings in total). - Highly interactive course design with almost no lecture-style teaching - you will be interacting with other participants most of the time. Be prepared to speak in English and activate your camera. - Reading assignments between sessions - Several small individual writing assignments throughout the semester - One or two larger group assignments

6 ECTS graded course for TU Berlin students

If you are interested, please send an email to Anton Schaefer (he/his) a.schaefer@tu-berlin.de.

Blue Science - Course Description

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge of:

  • social and ecological crises
  • internationally agreed sustainability goals and their metrics
  • approaches to the socio-ecological transformation of society
  • discourses on transformative science
  • concepts of inter- and transdisciplinarity
  • toolboxes for transdisciplinary research


  • in leading discussions in groups
  • in working together in small, interdisciplinary and international groups
  • in choosing good research questions
  • in communicating possible research projects


  • to reflect on personal perspectives on social and environmental responsibility
  • to reflect on specific perspectives and methods of one's own discipline
  • to collectively reflect on the heterogeneity of perceptions and knowledge related to social and ecological crises
  • to reflect the roles science could, should and does play in processes of transformation
  • to identify possible contributions of the individual sciences to the development and achievement of global sustainability goals
  • to collaboratively design transdisciplinary research projects
  • to cooperate with others for a just, social and ecological transition
  • to cope with the dilemma arising from the ideals of transformative science and the strive for scientific neutrality
  • to cope with the decision-making dilemma arising from personal, disciplinary and societal responsibility


  1. learning and values in interactive courses.
  2. social and environmental crises
  3. the scientific method – background and disciplinary differences
  4. classification systems for academic disciplines
  5. transformative science – idea and critique
  6. personal and disciplinary *lenses*
  7. multi-, inter- and transdisciplinarity
  8. diversity of perspectives in the course
  9. possible contributions of one's own discipline
  10. possible contributions of the other disciplines represented
  11. development of a transdisciplinary research question